It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
Название: Моё небо.
Автор: itsumo_niji
Ссылка на оригинал:
Переводчик: Yume Tsukai
Бета: mi-sa-ki <3
Разрешение автора: получено
Пейринг: Сакурайба
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанр: романтика
Размещение: только с согласия автора и с этой шапкой.
Дисклеймер: Джоннисы не мои
Саммари: И тогда он понял, что его любовь

Глава 1.

Глава 2.

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@музыка: Glee Cast - Defying Gravity

@настроение: хорошее

@темы: Ninomiya Kazunari, Ohno Satoshi, Sakuraiba, Arashi, Matsumoto Jun, Sakurai Sho, translations, Masaki Aiba, fanfiction


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
:heart: chuu~

Боже, какой кавай :crazb:

@темы: Ohno Satoshi, Juntoshi

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
слушать (с 2010.03.01 - 05)


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@музыка: Arashi Discovery;

@темы: Ohno Satoshi, Arashi Discovery, translations


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
надо же ))
RankArashi Ranking
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Least Favorite (Bottom)

@темы: Ninomiya Kazunari, Ohno Satoshi, Arashi, Matsumoto Jun, Sakurai Sho, Masaki Aiba

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!

@музыка: Junnosuke Taguchi - Wind

@настроение: <3

@темы: Ohno Satoshi, picspam, Juntoshi, Matsumoto Jun


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
Music Station *__*
подарил мне О-чана крупным планом (!!) на моем любимом моменте :heart: :

А ещё волосы Оно <3

как же я их люблю :heart:

@темы: Ohno Satoshi, Arashi

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!

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@темы: Ohno Satoshi, Arashi Discovery, Arashi, translations


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
Troublemaker на Utaban.
Возможно ли любить эту песню ещё сильнее )?

Такой позитив, такое все солнечное, улыбающееся и такое Араши :heart:

Но что случилось с камерамэном? Ракурсы...
Залажали(камеры) мой любимый момент, это раз. Все плыло - это два. Я не успевала толком разглядеть мальчиков - это три.

Но Айба в комби :3 аввв.
Шооо :heart: наконец то и он выступает на этой песне :heart:

Че там Нино делает XD?
его рука двигалась!

Оно! Каккои, нээ )?

А вот и самый любимый момент в песни, где я мечтала увидеть лицо О-чана. крупным планом!!!

Мне не показалось!! Оно было мало!!!!! Да >___>. его действительно было мало.

Но какая песня, ах :heart:

@темы: Ohno Satoshi, music, Arashi


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
Дайри глючит, и как оказалось некоторые посты не отображаются!
Но т.к я не знаю, какие показывают, а какие нет - ссылки на что-то важное.
1. сабы на Channel Rock -
2. перевод non-no -
3. перевод Arashi Discovery с 2010.02.23 - 25 -
4. 50 фактов -
5. перевод Arashi Discovery за 2010.02.26 -

@темы: дайри


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
John Lennon - Imagine

Представь себе

Представь себе что рая нет,
Оказывается, не так уж это и сложно,
Представь себе что ада тоже нет,
Всё что осталось – это лишь небо над
нашими головами,
Представь себе что все люди,
Живут лишь сегодняшним днём,
Представь себе что нет больше стран,
Не так это уж сложно,
Не за что умирать и убивать,
И религии тоже больше нет,
Представь себе что все люди,
Живут в мире со всем,

Да, возможно я и мечтатель,
Но я такой не один,
Надеюсь когда-нибудь и ты станешь одним из нас,
И тогда весь мир объединится,

Представь себе что всё – общее,
Вряд ли у тебя это получится,
Не нужно грабить или голодать,
Все люди – братья,
Представь себе что мир,
Принадлежит всем людям,

Да, возможно я и мечтатель,
Но я такой не один,
Надеюсь когда-нибудь и ты станешь одним из нас,
И тогда весь мир объединится

1. Мама подарила набор для суши О___О...
там 2 тарелочки(кавайные!!) и 2 пары палочек!
Спасибо *___*

2. Утром случился шок.
Ибо я не думала, что всё так плачевно X'D
Открыла шкаф, окинула взгляд имеющиеся вещи и поняла, там в основном костюмы XD.
Сколько мне лет?! Ё-моё!! Где милые кофточки и т.п )?
Пора идти по магазинам ).

@темы: music, жизнь

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
I just saw these two videos on youtube! these boys are so cute! i think they are rehearsing for a performance :)

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!

The History of our family, interview to Kou Shibasaki updated.
Shiraishi-san’s blog. Following by yesterday I film Gantz. Currently I take break for snack. consomm

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!

Monthly the Television. At Monthly Arashi, Ohno-san and Aiba-san appeared. Previously. It was “Hichimencyo Ryori” (turkey food) this month word starts “ri” Rippu esute (lip esthetic clinic), they had experience of lip esthetic!! 2 make feeling good facial expression. And from this month to memorial 10th year anniversary. Short serial start in introduce 10 year of Arashi for 10 times. There are full or precious photo and secret episodes too. This photo is oil and cream made jiggly lips of 2
Keiko Toda-san’s blog, (She did Mitani-san’s play) Jun Matsumoto-kun came over. He aid “Toda-san you are cool.” (


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
от Akiko

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 50 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
Думаю, это можно считать фактами )

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Жертвы. их должно быть 25 штук. но...
Кароче, кто хочет сам подписывается на это.
Но некоторым дам: mi-sa-ki, ChioChioSan, aishoi Di tetsu, Aka_Schu, J_Yuki, Kpucmu=), Tomo_Dachi

@темы: флешмоб


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
Мне бы сейчас сесть и начертить болтовое соединение...
но блииииин....

@темы: жизнь

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
So many people translated already ^^;

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!

 Music Lovers concert 2010 on 5 & 6 June at Yokohama Arena, not announced participant artist yet. To be checked.
Studio Tom’s blog, the hat Jun-kun worn at VS Arashi aired 25 Feb.
Yuri Shirano –san’s blog. Thank you for watching VS Arashi and comment. I haven’t watched the show yet. But it was fun after all. I got this from Arashi for memorial..
Mou ippo (one more step) to listen here
Serial Tokujo updated, Well, it’s me Tamura. Today I filmed Climax scene of episode 8. Then right now I’m at Narita airport. I’m going off for Vancouver, So, Sakurai will be at live broadcasting on Sunday, or not!? Sp, at episode 7 I costar with Hiroki Miyake who was together at Kisarazu Cat’s eye. I feel relieved when I meet these people of that time. Well, fly off for Vancouver. Good-bye! Goood-bye! Goood-bye! 26 Feb. 2010 Sho Sakurai.
Sho-kun already back to Japan, friend of mine saw him at Narita today.
Yoshi REi-san’s blog, (More IT’s writer)The other day I wrote “to live using body than mind”. Than connect to story “believe music power than word” I talk to often Ringo (shina) It’s limited to express with work, I think music is able to express deeply the essentiality or instinct. So people who love music more than listener or creator, they believe the power of music purely. Me who do business of words think so too. As I use word for my business I must think so. I listed to new tune of Tokyo Jihen and talked with Ringo san and noting liner notes for them… when I think such matter. I had interview of IT of this month more. Accidently topic from cloth to music. Ninomiya san who is music lover more than I imagined chance to talk same thing, and I was touched. He says sound is more important than word, and evokes you.
Kabachi, AP blog updated, hello everybody. Today we are currently tokujo filming. We started filming from 7 morning. But it was rainy, heavy rain. We completed outdoor filming in the face of difficulties. Now we are doing indoor filming. Ned we will start filming outdoor from evening. As it’s clear now. We will do live casting from somewhere!!!. Today we will have big touching scene of Tamura. Please prepare handkerchief. Kabachi, work of administrative scrivener updated. Tokujo Fashion updated. Web site of Ohno Office updated. Interview with Masatoshi Nakamura-san updated. Q: what is your impression of co-stars? Sho-kun is exactly same as my impression I watched on TV. Very cleaver boy so he remember his place how to playful with Arashi and his attitude to be with senior group in this case.
Kabachi staff blog updated. Episode 7 has been over safely. Many must be surprise as Sakurai-kun shows up. “What? He must be Vancouver yesterday?” it would be just like that. Sakurai-kun did outdoor filming Friday morning left for Canada. And back on 28 (Japan time). He‘s been to Vancouver with bullet schedule that you hardly imagine. When he leaves on Friday staff call him “Itterasshai, so see you the day after tomorrow.” This would not conversation with person who flies to Vancouver. (Grin) He must be full throttle over there. He came back without showing the fatigue. I’m so touched and esteem him. Sho-kun you have done good job to be special caster of Games Olympic Games (I wrote this small font as this is another TV company.)


Today's Bay Storm

16:54-17:00 Tokujo Kabachi!! TBS tonight preview
21:00-21:54 Tokujo Kabachi!! TBS Sho Sakurai Senior guy that who's been so good to Tamura at his part time job visit to his office. He says the key of his apartment has been changed just after 1 day of default of payment and he can’t enter his place. He called property company and he was told to pay rent and fee to have changed door key. As he doesn’t have money. He droop his shoulders saying that he moved to the place because no rental deposit and no key money. Misuzu asked to handle this matter to Shigemori as she knows president of property company, Sekoi. She is connected with him when he managed malignant finance company. Tamura and other who visit Sekoi’s company and press Sekoi to show the law that an unfavorable covenant for tenant is repeal. But Sekoi says what he rent is only key and room is free of charge and sows relaxed smile

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
Hi! Sorry for my sudden question but I'm new and I'm a bit confused with all the Johnny's rules >.< Hope someone can help me, please!!

Today I've recived the usual Johnny's fc mail, and I was interested in going to watch Aiba-chan's butai "

It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
какая сильная дорама.
*слезы. платочки. слезы*

Мегакавайные Джунтоши, чтоб перестать реветь )

как зацепило-то а~
слезы не останавливаются

@темы: Ohno Satoshi, Juntoshi, dorama, Matsumoto Jun, Sakurai Sho


It was legen...wait for it...dary! LEGENDARY!!!
1. Troublemaker.
А мне понравилось :hamp:!

2. досмотреть квиз шоу.

3. захотелось пересмотреть Smile. О.о..........

@темы: Arashi